Cross-Cutting Issues


(Up to B. A. – II)

Cross-Cutting Issues in syllabus

Cross-Cutting Issues




B.A- I

Human Geography – Sem.-II

1 Module – II Population

·        Factors affecting on distribution of population.

·        Malthus’ theory of Population Growth.

·        Demographic Transition Theory.

·        Migration: Types and Effects

Environment and Sustainability

B.A- I

Physical Geography – Sem.-I

1       Module-II – Atmosphere

·        Composition and Structure of Atmosphere

·        Insolation: Factors affecting on Insolation

·        Temperature: Distribution of temperature (Vertical and Horizontal)

·        Atmospheric Pressure: Belts and Planetary Winds.

2       Module –III– Lithosphere

·        Interior of the earth.

·        Wagner’s Continental Drift Theory.

·        Earthquakes – Causes and Effects

·        Volcano – Causes and Effects

3       Module- IV – Denudation

·        Weathering: Concept and Types.

·        Davis Concept of Cycle of erosion.

·        Erosional Landforms of river.

·        Depositional Landforms of river.


Resources Geography – Sem.-III

1 Module - II Major Resources

·        Definition and Scope of Resource Geography.

·         Resource: Concept and Classification

·        Importance of Resource Geography

2 Module – III Sustainable Resource Development

·        Water Resources: Distribution, Utilization and Problems

·        Forest Resources: Distribution, Utilization and Problems

·        Energy Resources: Distribution, Utilization and Problems

Human Resources: Distribution, Utilization and Problems

Soil Geography – Sem.-III 

1 Module – I Basic of Soil Geography

·        Definition, Nature and Scope of  Soil Geography

·        History of Soil Geography and Pedology.

·        Significance of Soil Geography

2 Module – II Soil: Formation & Properties

·        Jenny’s Factorial Model of Soil Formation: Parent Material, Biotic, Climatic, Relief and Time factor.

·        Process of Soil Formation: Physical, Biotic and Chemical.

·        Physical Properties of Soils: Morphology, Texture, Structure, Water, Air and Temperature.

·        Chemical Properties of Soils: PH, Organic Matter, NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Potassium).

3 Module – III Soil: Classification & Distribution

·        Genetic Classification of Soils.

·        Soil Characteristics and Major Soils Distribution in Maharashtra.

Soil Degradation: Concept, Causes, Consequences and Measures

Oceanography – Sem.-IV 

1 Module – III Applied Oceanography

·        Ocean or Marine deposits: Sources and Classification

·        Ocean Resources – Biotic- Mineral and Energy Resources

Ocean Pollution – Causes, Effects and Measures

B.A- II /B.Com II (Environment Studies)

Environment Studies – (Annual)

Unit 1. Nature of Environmental Studies :

·        Definition, scope and importance.

·        Multidisciplinary nature of environmental studies

·        Need for public awareness.

·        Concept of sustainability. Sustainable development and it’s goals with Indian context.

Unit 2. Ecosystems :

·        Concept of an ecosystem.

      Structure and function of an    


·        Producers, consumers and decomposers.

·        Energy flow in the ecosystem.

      Ecological succession.

·        Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.

·        Introduction, types, characteristics features, structure and function of the following

·        ecosystem :-

a)     Forest ecosystem, b)    

Grassland ecosystem, c) Desert ecosystem,

     d)Aquatic ecosystems (ponds,   

       streams, lakes, rivers, oceans,  


·        Degradation of the ecosystems and it’s impacts.

Unit 3. Natural Resources and Associated Problems

·        Forest resources: Use and over-exploitation, deforestation, dams and their effectson forests and tribal people.

·        Water resources: Use and over-utilization of surface and ground water, floods, drought, conflicts over water, dams-benefits and problems.

·        Mineral resources: Usage and exploitation. Environmental effects of extracting and using mineral resources.

·        Food resources: World food problem, changes caused by agriculture ,effect of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems.

·        Energy resources: Growing energy needs, renewable and non- renewable energy resources, use of alternate energy sources. Solar energy , Biomass energy, Nuclear energy

·        Land resources: Land as a resource, land degradation, man induced landslides, soil erosion and desertification. Consumerism ,ecological foot prints, carbon foot prints, carbon credits.

·        Role of an individuals in conservation of natural resources. Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles.

Unit 4. Biodiversity and its conservation :

·        Introduction- Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.

·        Bio-geographical classification of India.

·        Value of biodiversity: consumptive use, productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values.

·        India as a mega- diversity nation. Western Ghat as a biodiversity region. Hot-spots of biodiversity.

·        Threats to biodiversity: habitat loss, poaching of wildlife, man- wildlife conflicts

·        Endangered and endemic species of India, Conservation of biodiversity: In-situ and Exsitu conservation of biodiversity. Convention on Biological Diversity.

Unit 5. Environmental Pollution :

·        Definition: Causes, effects and control measures of: Air pollution,Water pollution, Soil pollution, Marine pollution, Noise pollution, Thermal pollution, Nuclear hazards.

·        Global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents and holocaust.

·        Solid waste Management: Causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes.

·        Solid waste management control rules.

·        Role of an individual in prevention of pollution.

Unit 6. Social Issues and the Environment :

·        Human population growth, impact on environment. Human Health and welfare.

·        Environmental ethics: Role of Indian religious traditions and culture in conservation of the environment.

·        Environmental movements- Chipko Movement, Appiko Movement, Silent Valley.

·        Resettlement and rehabilitation of people; its problems and concerns.

·        Water conservation, rain water harvesting, watershed management. water conservation by Dr.Rajendra Singh, Anna Hazare etc.

·        Disaster management: floods, earthquake, cyclone, tsunami and landslides.

·        Wasteland reclamation.

      Environmental communication      

       and public awareness, case     


Unit 7. Environmental Protection- Policies and practises

·        Environmental Protection Act.

      Air (Prevention and Control of    

       Pollution) Act.

·        Water (Prevention and control of Pollution) Act

·        Wildlife Protection Act

·        Forest Conservation Act

National and International conventions and agreements on environment


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