POs & Cos

   “Education for Knowledge, Science and Refined Culture” – Shikshanmaharshi Dr. Bapuji Salunkhe

Shri Swami Vivekanand Shikshan Sanstha, Kolhapur’s

Arts and Commerce College, Nagthane


Programme Outcomes, Programme Specific Outcomes and Course Outcomes






Graduates of this degree will be knowledgeable on following points on completion.

They will beable to:

Cognitive skills:

·         Understand knowledge in the field of Humanities, Social Sciences and Environmental issues.

·         Develop social, political, historic, economic and literary consciousness and will be better able to appreciate different civilizations, culture.

·         Cultivate the sensibility to discern the evolution of civilizations and cultures.

·         Up to date with contemporary developments and develop a sociological sensibility to critically understand the social phenomena that affects their lives.

·         Learn three languages along with three major subjects.

·         Have advanced reading, writing, speaking, interpretive and composition skills in three languages.

·         Use communication and soft skills.

·         Speak, read, write and listen clearly in person and through electronic media in English and in one/two Indian language/s, and make meaning of the world by connecting people, ideas, books, media and technology.

·         Elicit views of others, mediate disagreements and help reach conclusions in group settings.

·         Take informed actions from different perspectives.


·         Become eligible for employment in tourism, media, hospitality, and other industries.

·         Become employable in non-governmental organizations.

·         Places them in ideal situation for such jobs.

·         Equips them to clear competitive examconducted for public sector jobs.

·         Acquire the ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context socio-technological changes.


·         Appreciate the literary and cultural diversity.

·         Think critically about the issues of contemporary relevance and hold an informed opinion on them.

·         Cultured and good citizen of India.

·         Understand fundamental values of Indian Constitution.

·         Demonstrate empathetic social concern and equity centred national development, and the ability to act with an informed awareness of issues and participate in civic life through volunteering.

·         Recognize different value systems including your own, understand the moral dimensions of your decisions, and accept responsibility for them.

Course Outcomes


GEOGRAPHY (Non-departmental Subject)


B. A. I Paper I– Physical Geography (DSE- I)


After completion of this Course, the students will develop ability:

1.      Acquaint with physical geography with reference to nature, importance and role climate of earth.

2.      Acquire geographical values through interior of the earth, atmosphere in human beings life.

3.      Apply geographical competence in practical usage.


B. A. I  Paper II – Human Geography(DSE- II)

1.      Acquaint with different terms and definitions used in Human Geography.

2.      Acquire the skill of maintaining environmental balance with reference to Human Geography.

3.      Apply various issues related to population, agriculture and settlement. 


B. A. IIPaper III - Soil Geography (DSE- III)

1.      Familiarize with the basic and fundamental concept of Soil geography.

2.      Understand soil is key resource for the development of any country.

3.      Aware about process of soil formation and development as well as soil properties.

4.      Know classification, characteristics and distribution of soil with reference to Maharashtra.

5.     Acquaint with the concept, need and methods of soil profile, soil analysis and soil management.  


B. A. II Paper IV: Resource Geography (DSE- IV)

1.      1. Understand the concept and classification of resources.

2.      2Examine the major resources (Water, Forest, Energy and Human) with their distribution, utilization and problems.

3.    3.   Study the sustainable resource development.

4.     4.  Become aware the importance of natural resources and its preservation in the change of climate.

5.      5. Apply theoretical knowledge and its use in practical work. 


B. A. II Paper V: Oceanography (DSE- V)

1.      Understand oceanography as the fundamental branch of physical Geography.

2.      Acquaint the term marine as the key resource for the development of any country.

3.      Acquire the knowledge about physical and chemical properties of oceans.

4.      Become familiar with types of ocean currents and currents of Atlantic, Pacific & Indian Ocean.

5.      Apply Hypsographic Curve, Wind Rose, Isotherm& Isohaline in practical work.

B. A. II Paper VI: Agriculture Geography (DSE- VI)

1.      Understand the concept and development of Agriculture.

2.      Examine the role of agricultural determinants towards the changing cropping pattern.

3.      Study the green revolution.

4.      Become familiar with the agricultural concepts.

5.      Apply modern technologies in crop diversity, crop combination, and crop management. 


B. A. II / B. Com – II:Environmental Studies

1.      Familiarize with various issues related to Environmental studies.

2.      Examine the natural resources with their distribution, utilization and problems.

3.      Understand the concept and issues related pollutions.

4.      Understand key concepts from economic, political, and social analysis as they pertain to the design and evaluation of environmental policies and institutions.

5.      Appreciate the ethical, cross-cultural, and historical context of environmental issues and the links between human and natural systems.

6.      Reflect critically about their roles and identities as citizens, consumers and environmental actors in a complex, interconnected world.

7.      Recognize the physical, chemical, and biological components of the earth’s systems and show how they function.

8.      Do independent research on human interactions with the environment.


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